Sunday, January 31, 2016

Let's Talk About: Me! (who the hell am I and why am I here?)

First off, who am I?

I’m assuming that anyone reading this knows me, or is, at the very least, a friend of a friend.  Let’s face it, I am not an internet celebrity, so you most likely found this through my Facebook.

But, just in case you don’t know me, I’m Lauren.  I’m a clothing designer (I say clothing because I hate the word “fashion,” I don’t know why), and currently, I work in women’s lingerie.  I live in Brooklyn, and I like to think I’m a fairly normal 30 year old.

I’ve always loved food, and ever since I started baking in college, I always assumed that at some point I would write a cookbook, or own a bakery, or something of that nature.  If you told me a few years ago that at thirty I would be studying holistic nutrition and starting a healthy living blog, I would have taken a huge bite out of my crunchwrap supreme and we’d all have a good laugh.

I’m Italian.  Ask any Italian kid what food means in their house and they’ll all tell you the same thing: “love”.  Going to Grandma’s for dinner on Sunday means sitting at a table filled with food.  Everyone’s favorite dish is there, because you should never have to compromise at Grandma’s house.  You are never left hungry, in fact, chances are, you have never felt hungry in your life.

Italian grandparents: what you don't know is that all of that dessert was probably for five people.

 Unfortunately for me, never knowing hunger also meant a lifetime of struggling with my weight.  My earliest memory of being ashamed of what I weighed was at my yearly check up when I was twelve (my parents were on vacation, so my grandmother took me).  When the doctor told us that, at 112 pounds, I was overweight, my grandma just looked at me with disappointment and said “let’s not tell your grandfather about this.”  I started that school year with the realization that I was the fat girl.  Up until that point, I don’t think I had ever really given my own appearance much thought.  By age fourteen I had grown to 180 pounds, so apparently, shame was not the answer.  I’ll save you the high school and college years, but let’s just say it’s a whirlwind of disordered eating, over exercising, weight loss and gain, and ending a few years ago at a check up where I learned that not only did I weigh 215 pounds, but that my blood pressure and cholesterol were high for my age, and I was at risk of developing type II diabetes and polycystic ovaries.

It took me about two years to lose 60 pounds (and gain some, and lose some, and plateau for what seems like months on end.), and I still have a little way to go, but I feel like the finish line is near.  I don’t know if it’s ever possible to be completely happy with your body and I think that’s always super important to keep in mind, but it is absolutely possible to feel more comfortable in your own skin, and if that is the goal then I am happy to say that I have reached that.  Of course, like any human who ever existed, if you stand me naked in front of a mirror I’m sure I’ll come up with a list of things that need “some work,” but let me tell you I happen to think I look damn good in a pair of high waist jeans, and I can run for longer than I ever have before, and for that, I’m pretty proud.

Okay, so, why am I here?

Recently I’ve been getting quite a few messages and comments telling me I look great (thank you), and asking me “how did you do that?”  People want to know your secret, and unfortunately, there isn’t any one solution: my body is my body and it responds well to my diet and exercise plan, your body is your body, and it might not respond the same way.  That being said, I feel like I can at least let you in on some of my experiences and hope that they point you in the right direction.

Part of that experience has led me to studying holistic nutrition in hopes of becoming a health coach.  I know that when people see the word holistic they all of a sudden have visions of crunchy hippies swaying to a jam band, but don’t worry, at no point will I urge you to put a crystal on your forehead and “set your intention” (although, I absolutely will urge you to give up your gross aluminum filled antiperspirant, and chemical laden foods and cosmetics.. more on that another time..).  Holistic nutrition, to me, just means eating a balanced diet of whole fresh foods.   I decided to get certified because I felt that a lot of people would appreciate learning from someone who has actually been in their shoes.  Having tried every diet in the book, and we’ll get into those in other posts, nothing has worked for me the way making my own food and paying much closer attention to what I am putting into my body has.  That being said, weight loss is not the only thing I will be writing about, I’ll also be sharing my go to recipes, exercise tips, and generally anything I love in the interest of healthy and mindful living!

Okay, that's all I've got for now.  Anyways, enjoy, and please leave me lots of comments and let me know how I’m doing and ask me all sort of questions and tell me all of the things you would like me to post about!


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